animals bookfood chain pages
Cell Gamesgames for tablets, phones and more

Featured Game:
producers consumers game

Sheppard Software on Youtube

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preschool animal games

usa | world | animals | language arts | health | science | math | preschool | brain
Food Chain Game  
Animal Cell Game
Producers Consumers Game
Animal Diet Game
Classification Game
Kid's Corner
Preschool Animals
Plant Cell Game
Animal Diet 2


spring paint and makes
learn about reptiles
deep sea creatureslearn about mammals
autumn - paint and makes
autumn - paint and makes
animal classification game earth day games, puzzles, and paints
earth day puzzles
earth tipsspring paint and makes
winter paint and makes

Seek & Find - Animals - 4 games!
summerpaint and makes
earth day puzzlesearth tips
spring paint and makes

winter paint and makes
chemistry game - the alchemist
earth tipsNew! Games that work
on computers & tablets!

animal classification - paint and makespring paint and makesdinosaur timeline and fossils activityall about dinosaurs12 dogs - paint activity7 cats - paint activity
dinomight appetite - plant eaters or meat eaters?
dinosaurs - paints
summerpaint and makesautumn - paint and makes
autumn - paint and makesautumn - paint and makesjigsaw puzzles - endangered animalspaint and makes - places animals livebuild a dino - fun game dinosaurs - naming dinosaurs - advanced leveldinosaurs - naming dinosaurssummerpaint and makesDigestion TutorialDigestion QuizDigestion Game 1 Digestion Game 2 earth tipsfood chain gamebacteria cell tutorialplant cell gamebacteria cell gameplant cell tutorialSkeleton Quizanimal cell quizanimal cell tutorialanimal cell tutorialanimal diet 2 gameproducers consumers gameanimal characteristics game
food chain game for phones and tablets


earth tips


science header

Test your knowledge about the universe with our quizzes and games! Expand your science horizons by reading our fascinating illustrated articles.

Games that work on tablets, desktops,
laptops & phones. More to come!
food chain game animal diet game animal classification game producers consumers game
Food Groups Game animal diet 2  game animal classification game jigsaw puzzles - endangered animals
paint and makes - places animals live animal classification - paint and make earth tips Seek and Find - Animals - 4 Games
12 dogs - paint activity summerpaint and makes autumn - paint and makes earth day puzzles
7 cats - paint activity spring paint and makes winter paint and makes chemistry game - the alchemist
all about dinosaurs dinosaurs - naming dinosaurs dinosaur timeline and fossils activity deep sea creatures
build a dino - fun game dinosaurs - naming dinosaurs - advanced level dinomight appetite - plant eaters or meat eaters?
dinosaur movie extinction movie fossils movie dinosaurs - paints
Supplemental learning materials for above games + more
food chain pages herbivores, omnivores, carnivores animal classification producers, consumers, decomposers
autumn - paint and makes life cycle movie learn about mammals producers, consumers, decomposers
More science games!
animal cell tutorial plant cell tutorial bacteria cell tutorial Skeleton Tutorial
animal cell tutorial plant cell game bacteria cell game Skeleton Game 1
animal cell quiz Digestion Tutorial Digestion Game 2 Skeleton Game 2
corona virus tips Digestion Game 1 Digestion Quiz Skeleton Quiz


games are being converted for all devices


We hope to convert our other science games below!
Keep checking back!


chemical elements games

Life Cycles
(converted! see above!)
  Butterfly, Bird, Frog
More Science:
producers consumersgame
food chain game

plant-eater or both?

(elementary/middle school)
middle school)
(elementary/middle school)
The alchemist
(preschool/ elementary school)
(preschool/ elementary school)
(elementary/middle school)
(elementary/middle school)
(elementary/middle school)
(elementary/middle school)
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Topics include Animals, Environments, Dinosaurs, Anatomy, Digestive system, Skeletal system, Nutrition, Life Cycles, Plant Cell, Animal Cell, Bacteria Cell, Deep Sea Creatures, the Food Chain, the Seasons, Animal Diet, Animal characteristics and classification, chemistry, the elements, animal movies and many more free science games for kids!